If you or your loved one experience impacted discs or spinal stenosis, your doctor might recommend you undergo spinal surgery. It might seem like an extensive medical surgery with a lengthy recovery period. But due to technological advancement, endoscopic discectomy surgeries take only a single appointment. You want to work closely with well-trained and experienced physicians for your surgery's success. The physician will help you learn more about the procedure and whether it is the best option for your condition. Also, the doctor will help you determine whether this is the best medical option for your situation.
At LAMIS Institute, we are a spine and orthopedic practice with dedicated spine physicians and orthopedic specialists specializing in finding solutions to acute pain conditions and injuries. Our board-certified medical care providers have in-depth experience handling minimally invasive spine surgeries. Therefore if you are in Los Angeles and seek to undergo the procedure, you want to contact our physicians as soon as possible.
What is Endoscopic Discectomy?
This is an invasive surgical procedure used by surgeons to remove herniated disc materials. The discs might cause pain in your cervical spine, thoracic spine, and lower back. Endoscopic discectomy is among the least invasive surgical procedures for treating disc herniation.
With the ED procedure, the surgeon does not remove your bones or muscles to perform the surgery. Instead, they observe your spine using a device known as a tubular retractor.
The surgeons insert the tube through small incisions, ensuring you do not suffer damage to your bones and muscles. The surgeons observe your spine with a more miniature camera than your phone. Also, they avoid making large incisions. The surgeon only takes around 30 minutes to complete the procedure during the medical procedure. After the surgery, the doctor can release you in the next 2 to three hours. Ensure you work with our Los Angeles discectomy physicians. The physician will ensure you learn more about the endoscopic discectomy procedure. We will even guide you and answer any burning question you have.
How Do Surgeons Perform the Endoscopic Discectomy?
After making an appointment with your doctor, you want to arrive at the hospital early. If you have any questions, you can ask the doctor before the surgery begins. During the discectomy procedure, the doctor directs you to the operative room. After moving to the room, they then administer sedation. Under anesthesia, the surgeon inserts a small tube into your spine for them to view the spine. The tube prevents your muscles from being cut or torn. Then, the surgeon finds it easy to locate the bulging disc, herniated disc, or the bulging disc under visualization through the tube.
Under direct visualization and X-ray guidance, the surgeon pulls out a piece of herniated disc with a grasper. Your surgeon can treat the small annular tears or disc bulge with a laser. The laser vaporizes material in the disc, kills pain, and hardens your disc to avoid future leaks. Lastly, the surgeon removes the tube and closes the incision. Our Los Angeles discectomy physicians offer unmatched services in California and the state. Therefore consider working with us today.
Are You Eligible for Endoscopic Discectomy?
Your case determines your eligibility for the endoscopic discectomy. Before the procedure, you want to discuss your situation with your doctor. The doctor will help you understand the procedure's benefits and potential complications. In rare cases, endoscopic discectomy is not as safe as traditional surgeries. Again, not all cases can be treated using EDs. Many doctors recommend many conservative treatments before you opt for endoscopic discectomy. Once the treatments prove ineffective, they suggest you proceed to the EDs.
When determining whether you are eligible for the surgical procedure, your doctor investigates your medical history and insurance details. Also, the doctor will want to know more about your pre-existing medical conditions. For instance, the physician might want to see if you are allergic to anesthesia or whether you have any diagnosis like diabetes. If you have any disorder like hemophilia, let your doctor also know. You will have a successful surgery by communicating the information to your doctor. Our physicians will help you know whether you are the right candidate for the surgery. If you do not qualify, we will provide the assistance required and ensure that health is considered. Therefore, seek our medical services as early as possible.
The Potential Complications of Undergoing Endoscopic Discectomy
Note that under every surgical procedure, you will experience general risks. The EDS has less severe complications as compared to traditional surgeries. In rare cases, the patient may experience persistent pain and nerve root damage after the surgery. To control the potential risk, you need to talk with your doctor immediately if you experience discomfort. The following are the possible complications you might encounter after undergoing the procedure:
- Nerve damage: In rare cases, you might suffer blood or nerve injury during the procedure
Bleeding is common during most surgical procedures, but it becomes a risk when the bleeding is persistent. Usually, bleeding under this procedure is less significant.
- Returning symptoms: a few patients experience returning symptoms after the surgical procedure. But the chances are limited and stand at around 20%
- Infection: An orthopedist issues you with antibiotics before you undergo the procedure. Also, they provide antibiotics during and after the process to minimize the chances of suffering infections.
Endoscopic Discectomy Recovery
Since the procedure is invasive, the patient can head home within 24 hours after the surgery. After arriving at their home, the patient must follow specific post-recovery instructions. The post-recovery instructions ensure your spine is protected until you fully recover. By visiting our Los Angeles discectomy physicians, we will investigate your progress and help you in your healing process.
- Activity restriction: you need to avoid high-impact activities, repetitive tasks, and lifting heavy things that might require motion at your spine for at least 21 days. It means you want to keep your distance from any activity that involves lifting, bending, or twisting the lumbar spine.
- Walking: note that walking increases blood flow, reduces the potential risks of pneumonia, and reduces the likelihood of blood clotting during the post-recovery period.
- Back brace: your surgeon may recommend you use a brace after the surgery. However, braces are not recommended for all patients. If the doctor advises you to use the brace, you want to follow their instructions.
- Proper nutrition: you must take vitamins and proteins after the surgery. These foods facilitate the healing of tissues and wounds after the procedure.
- Pain medication: you want to take the prescribed medication as directed and when necessary. Many patients do not stop taking their drugs in the first week after the surgery. Over-the-counter medicines like Tylenol and ibuprofen might be used instead of the pain medication.
After six weeks, the doctor recommends you undergo an X-ray to check your spine alignment and examine your healing at the incision. You only want to wear a brace for comfort. Many patients return to their daily activities after two weeks from the day of their surgery. After six weeks, all patients may return to their duties. After six weeks, many patients do not use the pain medication but the over-counter drugs. The doctors discourage high-impact activities like downhill skiing, weight lifting, and bungee jumping.
The Benefits of Undergoing Endoscopic Discectomy Surgery
Before undergoing the EDS, it is good you discuss with your doctor the benefits of the procedure over other surgical procedures. Contact our Los Angeles discectomy physicians, and we will help you learn more benefits of the EDS procedures over traditional spine surgeries. The following are the common benefits associated with undergoing the endoscopic discectomy surgical procedure:
No General Anesthesia
Unlike traditional spine surgeries, the endoscopic discectomy procedure requires local anesthesia. Local anesthesia numbs the surface to ensure you remain comfortable during the surgical procedure. The anesthesia also eliminates the possible complications associated with general anesthesia.
Small Incisions
The endoscopic discectomy procedure uses small incisions for the doctor to reach the damaged portions of your spine. The small incisions reduce the potential risks of bleeding and developing a scar, and the risk of developing an infection.
Minimally Invasive Procedure
The surgical procedure involves the use of tiny tools and a small camera. The surgeon uses a small camera to view the spine. The camera eliminates the need for the surgeon to make large incisions as they try to access your spine. The small tools also help the surgeon navigate through your spine. Lastly, the surgeon does not cut your muscle or remove any surrounding bone to access the herniated disc using the small devices.
Fast Recovery
The surgical procedure only takes 30 minutes to complete. It means you can head home shortly after the process. Also, you experience less pain and a short hospital stay compared to traditional spine surgery.
Conditions Treated by Endoscopic Discectomy Surgery
Note that not every person is eligible for endoscopic discectomy treatment. So, your doctor can recommend you undergo the EDS procedure to treat the following conditions:
- Radiculitis
- Disc tear
- Herniated disc
- Disc bulge
- Cervical herniated disc
- Cervical disc tear
- Cervical disc neuritis
- Radiculopathy
Types of Endoscopic Spine Surgery
Endoscopic spine surgeries are grouped under different categories. You want to speak with our Los Angeles discectomy physicians to learn more about these groups. They will help you determine the best spine surgery for your condition. The following are the common types of endoscopic spine surgery:
Relief Surgery
Relief surgery is the least type of invasive available for spine care. The procedure combined endoscopic and robotic techniques to maximize surgery efficiency and minimize surgery trauma. The RELIEF surgery provides patients with less pain and quicker recovery than traditional spine surgery. Although many patients do not require spinal fusion, a few with spinal instability due to degenerative or spine fracture might be good candidates.
Endoscopic Lumbar Laminotomy
The invasive spine procedure offers an alternative to open laminotomy or traditional spine surgery. The process is the least effective treatment method for spinal stenosis. Lamina is a part of the bony arch that protects the spine from damage. Many people experience spinal degeneration, meaning bone spur, herniation, or bulging. Spinal narrowing puts pressure on your spinal nerves causing pain to radiate down your legs, among other symptoms. The surgeon removes the fat ligaments, herniated disc materials, and bone spurs during the surgical procedure.
Endoscopic Foraminotomy
The surgical procedure relieves pressure on the spinal nerve roots from compression from scar tissues, excessive ligament, disc herniation, and bone spurs. The procedure's primary purpose is to open or enlarge the spinal nerve, so the nerves have more room for moving around without any compression. The surgical procedures are recommended for patients with arm pain or leg pain. After the surgical procedure, the leg or pain associated with burning sensation or numbness disappears immediately.
Endoscopic facet rhizotomy
The procedure is an invasive one used by doctors to deaden affected nerves causing neck pain and chronic back pain. The surgeon uses the X-ray to conduct the surgical procedure without damaging the surrounding soft tissues and muscles. During the surgery, the surgeon uses local anesthesia to numb the area. The surgeon then makes a small incision, inserts a tube, and identifies small nerve branches from your nerve root. After the surgery, the surgeon removes the tube and closes the incision. Then the doctor encourages the patient to walk around and leave the center on the same day.
Contact a Los Angeles Neurointerventional Surgeon Near Me
Do you seek to treat spinal conditions by endoscopic discectomy in Los Angeles? If so, you want to speak with a well-trained and experienced doctor. At LAMIS Institute, our medical experts are ready to help you. We start by examining whether you are the right candidate to undergo the procedure. We also help you understand the benefits and the potential complications before performing the procedure. Our facility has board-certified and trained physicians specializing in invasive spine surgery. If you are in or across California, call us right away. Call us at 310-734-6088, and we will help you undergo the surgical procedure successfully.